By: Theawna Brown
Image: Ryoji Iwata, Unsplash
I worry about things I shouldn’t,
I take on responsibilities I don’t have to,
I work hard, I am called a “bitch”,
I isolate myself, never taught how to love
I am controlling, I tell others what to do and how to do it,
I lack confidence, so I hide my true self
I am dramatic, I attract attention
I am blunt, so I hurt others feelings,
I am fearful, so I can’t live for today,
I trust no one, so I rather be alone
I sacrifice my happiness, to make others smile
I wear a mask to make it seem like life is great
My mother was lost, playing too many roles
A wife, a mother, a provider, was too much for her
Her words cut so deep and wounds left open
For whatever reason, I can’t forgive my mother,
I tried but I can’t, I won’t,
but I should for a peace of mind.
No matter how far I run away,
Doesn’t matter how much money I have or how successful I become
I will always battle being my mother’s child
I am sad, hurt, lost, and confused,
Some would say move on, grow up, the past is the past
but the pain still lingers
a motherless child grieving a lost
but she’s my mother and that’s our story
I am stronger even though I feel weak,
I am wiser now that I know,
Through my mother’s mistakes,
I will break this cycle,
all for the love of my very own child