By: Alicia McDaniels
Image: Jeannine Cannon
What if I made a prose
Of the ignominious text
Which was verbally deployed
While I was in the throes
You’re using this as an excuse
They said in my frenzy
Bewildered, inebriated, dazed
Sickened in color like my glass of chartreuse
You’re privileged; you’re pretty; you’re white
People are starving in Africa
You still have your life
As if my loss was just something light
Do you still have a boyfriend?
Is he dead yet?
I am just as bloodless and in consternation
From this vile date you lend
To get out of class,
Actress lies about death of boyfriend
It’s true, I couldn’t take it
Learning these skills from a complete ass
You will be fine
As I lay in the trenches
Broken, aghast, barely holding on
Parts of me waning with each sip of wine
Ascension from what’s real
The skies graying with the soot
Lining the walls of the cramped, vacuous room
That began and ceased the despondency I feel
Arising one day from all that was taken
I could replace the lead paint chips of my heart
With the words of the morally destitute
As it wasn’t consolation that helped me awaken
So deep but not everyone will ever understand this. I am an empath and I feel it. Good job
Awesome piece
This made me cry. You wrote it from your heart so true. I love you